Our goal as a society is to foster a rich, interactive climate for sharing, discussing, and furthering scientific knowledge. In doing so, we welcome individuals with diverse perspectives and cultural backgrounds. We believe that, as a scientific society, we benefit from a strong commitment to community-building. Membership in a society inherently evokes the notion of belonging or inclusion, and we strive to make this society one where members are encouraged and able to participate, regardless of stage or background. Furthermore, these values are not limited to our membership, but form the basis of our goals for outreach to members of the scientific community and society at large.
How do we implement these values at SMBE?
● Be mindful of how what one says may be perceived by others, and accepting of the divergence between intent and impact.
● Welcome and value the diverse backgrounds, identities, expectations, experiences, and perspectives of our community, including ones that may depart from “traditions” or “norms” of those historically holding powerful positions in a given field.
● Recognize that a diverse community, including the intersection of identities, strengthens and improves our research by broadening our perspectives and approaches.
● Work to identify and correct biases in all of our Society activities through acknowledgment, action, and transparency.
● Acknowledge and address the ways in which biology, and evolutionary biology in particular, has historically been used to justify and promote discriminatory practices.
● Break down the barriers between experts and non-experts, among scientists at different stages, and promote inclusion across subdisciplines.